Local Air Quality

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Whistler’s air quality continues to be excellent during most of the year.  Annual results for 2021 reflect the high air quality experienced in Whistler during the summer as winds prevented smoke from interior BC fires to impact the Whistler area.

Why we monitor this

PM adds to poor air quality which negatively affects human health, and resort attractiveness. Air pollutants that pose the most serious local threat to our health are particulate matter and ground-level ozone — the key ingredients of smog. They mainly affect the lowest part of the atmosphere, which holds the air we breathe. Particulate matter is a significant problem in rural areas because of wood burning.

What this measures

Annual average hourly concentration of particulate matter (PM), a local air pollutant, in the air.

Particulate Matter (PM) 2.5

Particulate matter that measures 2.5 microns and less. It can travel deep into the lungs and become lodged there causing heart and lung disease and premature death

Nitrogen oxides (NOx)

These are created during combustion. Vehicle engines burn a small amount of the nitrogen present in the air plus nitrogen compounds found in vehicle fuels. Diesel engines produce much larger amounts of NOx than gasoline engines due to the higher combustion temperatures.

Ground-Level Ozone (O3)

Ground-level ozone is formed by the reaction of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxide (NO2) in sunshine and warm temperatures. When the air is stagnant, the ozone will build up. It’s a blueish gas with a noticeable odour.


Air Quality (regional)

Building Step Code

Energy Use (Community)

GHG Emissions

Registered Vehicles


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