Waste Diversion Rate

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The diversion rate of waste from the landfill decreased slightly compared to 2021 however it represents the second highest diversion rate with nearly half of all waste being diverted from the landfill in 2021.

Why we monitor this

Solid waste takes up land, emits greenhouse gases, and among other things can leach harmful materials into the surrounding environment. Recycling, one of the “Three R’s” following reduce and reuse, is one strategy employed to limit the impacts of waste, and to conserve virgin material stocks such as aluminum.

What this measures

This indicator represents the estimated proportion of materials recycled and composted through the municipal solid waste management system and/or collected at the bottle depot. The measurement also includes materials sent to the Re-Use It and Re-Build It Centres. Yard debris, land clearing composted materials are not included in the figures since 2008 due to the highly variable nature of land clearing due to firesmart programing.

Landfilled waste

Total materials

Wastewater compliance rate

Wastewater treatment plant flow

Waste & Recycling Services

Wastewater compliance rate

Wastewater Operating Costs


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