Economic Dependency Ratio

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The economic dependency ratio (EDR) remained at relatively low levels though showed a statistical decrease from 2015 to 2016. Whistler’s economic dependency ratio is lower than other Sea to Sky communities and much lower than the ratio for BC, the 2018 EDR is not available yet, but will be updated when possible. After reaching a recent high in 2010, the number collecting some form of employment insurance dropped to 660 in 2018.

Why we monitor this

The dependency ratio provides information on community economic health. Comparing dollars transferred into the community from other levels of government to the tax filed income generated by a community provides a sense of the financial dependency and/or contribution.

What this measures

Reports Whistler’s degree of dependence on transfer payments and income assistance programs by comparing the total amounts received from other levels of government to the total tax filed income generated in the community.

Housing: Affordability

Income: Employment income

Income: Low income measure

Income: Median

Living Wage – Family

Living Wage – Single


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