Annual greenhouse gas emission releases in 2018 returned to levels not seen since 2007, with levels at 131,166 tonnes of CO2e. This annual increase in GHG emissions was supported by an increase in emissions per population equivalent which both move us away from goals set within Whistler’s Big Moves strategy.
Scientists agree that greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) are contributing to global climate change. This changing climate will impact Whistler’s local economy, community life, visitor experience and the local natural environment. Climate change and GHG emissions are global and local issues that require solutions at all levels of government. Reducing Whistler’s GHG emissions is critical to the long-term sustainability of our community.
Total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions results include the GHGs emitted from generating the electricity we use, the energy we use to generate heat, transportation energy for the larger fleets of vehicles in Whistler, intra-community transportation energy as well emissions resulting from Whistler’s landfilled waste.
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